Select Publications & Reports

Garrow R. Tule River Indian Health Clinic Health Summit Summary Report. Internal Report. August 2024.

Garrow R, Fuentes R. Community Health Workers for COVID Response and Resilient Communities Project. Final Cumulative Evaluation Report. Tulare County Health and Human Services Agency. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). October 2024.


Garrow, R, Garrow, E, Bubendorf, E, Raasch, C. Pairing Law Enforcement Officers and Licensed Clinical Social Workers for Proactive Outreach to Adults Experiencing Homelessness. California Violence Intervention and Prevention (CalVIP) Project awarded to the Grass Valley Police Department and Foothill House of Hospitality. Evaluation Report. October 2023. [Link to Report]

Garrow, R. California Department of Public Health: Healthcare-Associated Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance (HAI/AR) Program Health Equity Strategic Plan. CDPH HAI/AR and Heluna Health. Internal Outline. November 2023.

Garrow, R. Food as Medicine Cohort Study: Preliminary Findings and Status Report. Adventist Health – Blue Zones Well Being Institute and ModifyHealth. Internal Report: Intervention providing tailored meals and analyzing changes in biometric data and weight. January 2023.


Garrow, R. Thrive Lives Evaluation Final Report. West Sacramento Mercy Coalition. Internal Report: Evaluating changes in attitudes, knowledge, and behavior intent-to-change as a result of a job training and capacity building workshop series for individuals experiencing homelessness, substance use disorders, or other barriers to employment. January 2023.

Garrow, R, Wimsatt, M, Hedrick, V. CalFresh Healthy Living Tribal Expansion Project 2022 Evaluation Report. Public Health Institute – Center for Wellness and Nutrition. September 2022. [Link to PHI Summary Document] [Full report available upon request].

Tracing Health California Contact Tracing Support Initiative - San Bernardino County Integrated Project. Evaluation Report. June 2022. [Link to Final Evaluation Report]. Contributing author.

Garrow, R. Process Evaluation of the Cardiovascular Health Area Network. National Association of Chronic Disease Directors. May 2022. [Link to Evaluation Brief]. Technical report available upon request.

Garrow, R. Evaluation of the Sacramento Region COVID-19 Emergency Response (ReCOVER). Sacramento Native American Health Center. Internal Report: Evaluation of COVID-related recovery and group therapy services provided to tribal community members. May 2022.

Garrow, R. Process Evaluation of the California Violence Intervention and Prevention Project: Grass Valley Police Department and Foothill House of Hospitality. March 2022. [Link to Report]

Wimsatt, M, Garrow, R. Strengths and Barriers in Implementing the ACE Screening Tool in Tribal, Urban Indian, and Rural Settings. ACEs Aware Practice Paper awarded to the Center for Healthy Children and Communities, Inc., Sacramento, CA, via Aurrera Health Group, LLC. June 2021. [Link to Practice Paper]

Garrow, R. Integrations and Partnerships: Strategic Plan. School Based Health Center Workgroup - Center for Healthy Communities - Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Branch - California Department of Public Health. July 2020.


Garrow, R. Performance Measure Outcomes of a Relationship and Skill Building Curriculum. Shores of Hope. Internal Report: Changes in knowledge, attitudes, and behavior intent-to-change for a sexual health and relationship curriculum with a specific focus on youth transitioning out of the foster care system. September 2020.

Ryan-Ibarra, S, Garrow, R. Tulare County Focus Groups: Informing a County Health Department's Strategic Plan. March 2019. [Link to Report]

Gallington, K, Garrow, R., Grinnell, S, Henn, J, Nishimura, H, Palmer, J, Pearlman, D, Ryan-Ibarra, S. Napa County Emergency Food Systems Study: Final Report. 2018. [Link to Report]


Max, A, Willis, M, Garrow, R. Tackling an Epidemic: An Assessment of the California Opioid Safety Coalitions Network. September 2018. [Link to Report]

Garrow, R, Garcia, R. Key Findings from the Toiyabe Indian Health Project Community Survey. 2017. [Link to Infographic]


Encuesta de Seguimiento de la Comunidad de Kettleman City. (Community Results Handout: Kettleman City Community Canvass). July 2017. Contributing Author.  [Link to Community Report]


Garrow, R. Evaluating Biking and Walking Path Usage on Two California Reservations. Final Report: Toiyabe Indian Health Project, Inc. 2017. [Link to Report]


Garrow, R. A California Tribal Health Program Community Health Survey of American Indians. Final Report: Toiyabe Indian Health Project, Inc. 2017. [Link to Report]


Garrow, R. Evaluation Tribal Farmers Markets on Two California Reservations. Final Report: Toiyabe Indian Health Project, Inc. 2017. [Link to Report]


Garrow, R. Key Informant Interviews with Tribal Health Program Allies. Final Report: Toiyabe Indian Health Project, Inc. 2017. [Link to Report]


Ryan-Ibarra, S, Garrow, R, Rodriguez, D, Garcia, R, Sandoval, M, Gutierrez, M, Magallanes, A, Mejia, L, Induni, M. Final Report: Kettleman City Community Health Canvass. 2017. Public Health Institute. Sacramento, California. [Link to Report]


Garrow R, Chichlowska K. Tribal Asthma Survey Project. California Department of Public Health: California Breathing. June 2010. [Link to Summary Report] [Link to Technical Report]


Garrow R, Korenbrot C, Crouch J, LeBeau M. An Ethnic Health Assessment for American Indians and Alaska Natives in California, California Program on Access to Care: A Joint Program of the University of California’s Office of the President and the State Government of California. April 2010.


Crouch J, Kao C, Garrow R, Korenbrot J, Korenbrot C. American Indian and Alaska Native Medicare Program and Policy Statistics. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). December, 2009. [Link to Report]


Schweigman K, Garrow R, Macedo J. Commercial Tobacco Prevalence, Perception, and Opinion Among Three California American Indian Tribal Communities. Indian Health Service Primary Care Provider 2009; 34(9).


Hoerster K, Garrow R, Mayer J, Clapp E, Weeks J, Woodruff S, Sallis J, Sylmen D, Patel M, Sybert S. Density of Indoor Tanning Facilities in 116 Large U.S. Cities. American Journal of Preventative Medicine 2009; 36(3). [Link to Journal Article]

Conference Abstracts , Trainings & Presentations

Deliso A, Rosales A, Torres S, Garrow R. The First 1,000 Days: Supporting Mom and Baby Through Dairy. World Dairy Summit. Chicago, IL. October 2024.


Garrow R. Independent Consultants: Rapid Fire FAQs with Becky Garrow. IC Topical Interest Group: American Evaluation Association. November 2024. [Link to YouTube Video] (Presenter)


Garrow B. Five Ways to Analyze Qualitative Data. 2024 American Evaluation Association Annual Conference. Ignite Session. Portland, OR. October 2024. [Link to Abstract] (Presenter)

Garrow B. Setting Boundaries and Identifying Client Red Flags [Melissa Urban: Book of Boundaries]. Independent Consultant Topical Interest Group: American Evaluation Association. June 2024. [Link to YouTube Video] (Presenter)

Garrow, B. 10 strategies for conducting virtual focus groups: Considerations for the virtual newcomer, persons living with disabilities, farmworkers, and Tribal communities. 2023 American Evaluation Annual Conference. Panel Presentation. Indianapolis, IN. October 2023. [Link to Abstract] (Presenter)

Garrow B., Durán S., Magallanes A. Analyzing Bilingual Data Effectively for Community Health Assessments. National Network of Public Health Institutes. 2023 Public Health Improvement Training. [Link to Agenda Abstract] (Co-Presenter)

Garrow B. Independent Consultants: Rapid Fire FAQs with Becky Garrow. Independent Consultant Topical Interest Group: American Evaluation Association. November 2023. [Link to YouTube Video] (Presenter)

Berthoud H, Garrow B. How to Hire Subcontractors. Independent Consultant Topical Interest Group: American Evaluation Association. November 2023. [Link to YouTube Video] (Co-Presenter)

Salas, E., Bultema, S., Christopher, E., Grinnell, S, Forberg, P., Chavez, M., Bruno, B., Theberge, D., Lordi, D., Garrow, B. Evaluation of a county-integrated contact tracing support project in California. 2022 American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Conference. Boston, MA. November 2022. [Link to Abstract] (Co-Author)


Garrow, R. Pairing Social Workers and Law Enforcement Officers for Effective Community Outreach: A Qualitative Evaluation. 2022 American Evaluation Annual Conference. Panel Presentation. New Orleans, LA. November 2022. (Presenter)


Garrow, R. Social Determinants of Health. 2022 American Evaluation Annual Conference. Workshop. New Orleans, LA. November 2022. [Link to Workshop Description] (Presenter)


Garrow, R. Clear the Deck for Evaluations: Organizational Effectiveness. 2022 American Evaluation Annual Conference. Workshop. New Orleans, LA. November 2022. [Link to Workshop Description] (Presenter)


Garrow B, Sickler J. Managing Remote Teams. Topical Interest Group. American Evaluation Association. November 2023. [Link to YouTube Video] (Co-Presenter)

Abdullah, T., Garrow, R., Seger-Sprain, A., Thorwirth, S., Bialek, R. Rapidly training contact tracers: Lessons from COVID-19 and opportunities for the new public health workforce. 2021 American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Conference. Denver, CO & Online. [Link to Abstract] (Co-Author)

Casper M., Tootoo J., Garrow R., Patanian M., Begley E., Schieb L., Vaughan A., Lynn Miranda, M. Spotlighting Chronic Disease Maps from State and Local Health Departments. 2021 CDC Place and Health Conference. (Co-Author)

Garrow, R., Wimsatt, M. Understanding Strengths and Barriers to Screening for ACEs in Tribal and Rural California Communities. 2021 Rural Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Summit. Virtual. (Presenter). [Link to Presentation] [Link to Abstract]

Garrow, R., Facente, S. Avoiding Data Pitfalls! Supporting Local Businesses with Surveillance Strategies during COVID-19. 2021 Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) Annual Conference. Virtual. (Poster)


Garrow, R., Wimsatt, M. Challenges Screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in Tribal, Rural, and Urban Indian California Communities. 2021 Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) Annual Conference. Virtual. (Presenter)

Facente, S., Garrow, R., Harklerode, R. COVID-19 Data Workshop. Prepared for the Greater Palm Springs Tourist Foundation. July, 2020. [Link to Presentation] (Co-Presenter)

Garrow, R., Gallington, K. No one left behind: Conducting meaningful focus groups in safe and productive environments for hard-to-reach populations. Expert Lecture Presentation. 2019 American Evaluation Association. Minneapolis, MN. (Presenter)


Gallington, K. Garrow, R., Delisio, A., Ryan-Ibarra, S.  Developing a Tool for Measuring Healthy Selling Space in Retail Environments. Multi-Paper Session Presentation. 2019 American Evaluation Association. Minneapolis, MN. (Presenter)


Garrow, R., Gallington, K., Gutierrez, M., Induni, M. Collecting Meaningful Qualitative Data: Focus Group Fundamentals and Qualitative Data Analyses (Pre-Conference Workshop). 2019 North American Association of Central Cancer Registries/International Association of Cancer Registries Conference. (Lead Workshop Presenter and Facilitator)


Tamara Cohen Daley, Lilian Chimuma, Kyli Gallington, Sinem Toraman, Kecia Bertermann, Suzanne Ryan-Ibarra, Rebecca Garrow, Sue Grinnell, Jacinda Dariotis, Audra Morrison. New Practices in Mixed Methods Evaluation. 2018 American Evaluation Association Conference. (Co-Author)


D. Fink, E. Whitney, K. Saadeh, A. Dockter, M. Sandoval, R.Garcia, R. Garrow, S. Ryan-Ibarra, M. Induni, J. Gargano, I. Park. A randomized controlled pilot trial of mobile text notifications vs phone calling to obtain HPV vaccine history among females with cervical pre-cancer. (Poster) 2017 American Public Health Conference. Atlanta, GA. [Link to Abstract] (Co-Author)


Garrow, R., Larsen, K. Promoting Healthy Environments: Partnering with community members to evaluate a Tribal farmers market on two California reservations. 2016 Native Health Research Conference. Cherokee, NC. (Co-Presenter).


Rosenhall, J., Garrow, R. Building a bike share program: Active transportation for government employees. 2015 American Public Health Association Annual Conference. Chicago, IL. (Co-Presenter).

Garrow, R., Hedrick, C., Dunlap, J. Effective Engagement and Collaboration with American Indians and Alaska Natives in California. Prepared for the Inland Desert Training and Resource Center. August, 2014. (Presenter) [Link to Presentation]

Vang J. Garrow R. Noj qab nyob zoo! Focusing on Cultural Assets to Achieve Successful Nutrition Education Programs for SNAP-Ed Chinese, Hmong, and Vietnamese Living in California. 2014 SNAP-Ed Local Implementing Agency Forum. Sacramento, CA. (Session Moderator)


Garrow R. Salmon, Dentalia Shells, Flicker Birds and Basket Weaving: Recognizing Strengths of Indigenous Foods and Cultural Practices of the California American Indian Community for Effective SNAP-Ed Outreach. 2014 SNAP-Ed Implementing Agency Forum. Sacramento, CA. (Presenter; Session Moderator)


Garrow R. Geographic Information Systems: Qualifying SNAP-Ed Sites. 2012 Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention (NEOP) Statewide Collaborative Meeting. Sacramento CA. (Presenter)


Garbolino T., Garrow R. Social Marketing 101. 2012 Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention (NEOP) Statewide Collaborative Meeting. Sacramento CA. (Presenter)


Garrow R, Ivester S., Amonoo M. Beautiful Roots: Health and Hair Care Practices of African American Women. 2012 Network for a Healthy California Statewide Conference. Sacramento CA. (Session Moderator)


Garrow R, Ivester S. Beauty Salons and Beauty Supply Stores: Feasibility as Nutrition Education and Physical Activity Promotional Sites. 2012 Network for a Healthy California Statewide Conference. Sacramento CA. (Poster)


Garrow R, Chichlowska K, Lutzker L. Housing conditions associated with asthma in California American Indians and Alaska Natives. 2011 Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) Annual Conference. Pittsburgh PA. (Poster)


Garrow R, Chichlowska K. California Tribal Asthma Survey Project (TASP): Perceptions of Home Environmental Issues. 2010 Native Health Research Conference. Rapid City SD.  (Poster)


Garrow R, Kao C, Korenbrot K, Crouch J. American Indian & Alaska Native Access to Healthcare Through Medicaid. 2009 Native Health Research Conference. Portland OR. (Presenter)


Garrow R, Schweigman K. Commercial Tobacco Use, Opinion, and Risk Perception Among Three California American Indian Tribal Communities. Presenter: 2009 Native Health Research Conference. Portland OR. (Presenter)


Mayer J, Garrow R, Clapp E, Slymen D, Weeks J, Woodruff S, Sallis J, Patel M, Sybert S. Availability of Tanning in Urban USA: CITY100+. 2008 Society for Behavioral Medicine Conference. San Diego CA.  (Poster)


Garrow R, Mayer J. Prevalence and Correlates of Indoor Tanning in Youth. 2007 Society for Behavioral Medicine Conference.  Washington DC. (Poster)